Questions & Answers

UC finds no Plug-ins to install on SL III mixer (

0 votes
asked Oct 30, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by bradleyhulse (200 points)

I'm trying to install the Plug-Ins that came with the Studio Live III 24 using UC from my laptop.
UC connects to and controls the mixer. When I look for Plug-ins, it supposedly checks my account and
says there are none available. Yet they are all listed under my Presonus account online, and have all
been installed on the laptop itself. I've also tried this while logged in to my account. But UC never
asks me to login and doesn't appear to look anywhere in particular. Does the laptop need to be
connected directly to the mixer with Cat5 cable? Right now, it's just connected via USB to a USB hub
connected to the laptop. But I can control the mixer from the UC program.

Or do I need to connect an iPad and install them from there?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 1, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer

Firstly ensure that you have purchased the plugins and they are showing as purchased on your my.presonus account.

You must also have you mixer registered to your my.presonus account.

Once you have confirmed this then please see the following articles that will help you install the plugins. 


If you are installing the plugins for the first time then when you select the Plug-ins tab in UC you will see nothing displayed.

  • Click the “Install” tab.
  • It will display that its retrieving the product list
  • A pop-up box will appear stating do you want to install these plugins and it will list what you have in your account, select yes.
  • It will then download and a pop-up box will say “Copying new firmware to device…” and a timer indicating how long it will take.
  • Its very important not to turn off the mixer or computer during this process
  • During this process it will authorise the plugins
  • When the dialog boxes finish and disappear, you can then power cycle the mixer for the plugins to finish installing
  • When the mixer re-boots go back into the plugins tab and select the Authorise tab.
  • The plugins are now ready for use, please check to a channel and you can select them in the Fat Channel section.

Its important to note that while it may display the full collection of plugins, only those in your my.presonus account will be authorised for use on the mixer.
