Questions & Answers

UC Surface has no 'install' button showing under Plug Ins tab on tablet, when trying to load to the SC32X desk

0 votes
asked Jan 4, 2021 in StudioLive Series III by andyrenshaw (180 points)
edited Jan 12, 2021 by andyrenshaw

i have followed all the documents etc.. for loading Plug Ins from My Presonus account onto my Studioelive S3 desk and can use UC surface fine to control the desk, but when i go to the Plug Ins tab on UC Surface as instructed, the 'install' button doesnt even show at all?

Can anyone advise as the last answer hadnt read what i said. I have read all the documents, i have the latest versions. On the plug ins tab in uc surface the install button simply does not exist? I have purchased the plug ins and cant install due to this


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2021 by jonnydoyle (403,680 points)
Best answer

Ensure you mixer is running the latest firmware and that your UC is up to date. 

  • StudioLive Series III (all models) - v2.4.0.17466
  • Universal Control (Mac/PC) - v3.4.0.61835
  • UC Surface (iOS/Android) - v3.4.0.61835

Please see the following articles that will help you install the plugins. 

