Questions & Answers

Why can't I hear any audio from Studio One? I've tried everything! All drivers are up to date, my headphones work.

0 votes
asked Jul 27, 2018 in Studio One 4 by stephenkadas (120 points)
My computer is Inspiron 15 7000

Windows 10

Audio Box USB

Ive downloaded the most recent version of windows control I have all settings set for windows audio.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 29, 2018 by thierryisorez (160 points)
j'ai eu le mème problème, il faut sélectionner la bonne sortie dans le gestionnaire audio de ton pc
0 votes
answered Aug 5, 2018 by williamthomas12 (140 points)

On a Presonus AR8 (or other hybrid mixer)  - Make certain the button on the Super Channel 7/8 a(bove the Bluetooth) labeled USB/SD Card  Return is set to return on the USB connection to your computer, not the SD.   (This is very simple but It took me a couple of hours to find this.)

0 votes
answered Aug 10, 2018 by sam70 (870 points)
In Windows audio options you must have chosen as device the audiobox as default device.