Questions & Answers

How do I drop a Marker in Logic Pro X ?

+2 votes
asked Nov 12, 2018 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by jerryembree (190 points)
I submitted this same question to Presonus tech support.  They could not seem to do it either.  (I'm running Mojave on a iMac Pro).   The FP8 has "Marker" button.  Am I missing something?  This is one of the important features for my purchase of the FP 8.  Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2018 by elliottsebag (7,650 points)
Hey there, actually that's pretty normal since Presonus doesn't support for Logic ^^

The faderport 8 native integration is for S1 which means all the buttons you see will be perfectly mapped on S1 but when you use the mackie universal mode for other daw or HUI for protools, then might act a bit differently so the marker button may not do what it does on S1.

The thing is FP8 remains a midi controller and you should be able, if logic allows it, to map a button to "add a marker" function . Maybe you should google that, i don't know logic at all sorry.

Hope this might help,

Kind regards.