I don't know if I understood the request properly (I am french and I am not so comfortable with english), but what I would find very useful is the ability to show our own presets (with our custom rules) for the libraries that we own in the score editor. For example, I made a lot of custom rules for the East West libraries, and it would be much easier for me to be able to load my presets from the score menu (like VSL or GPO, an East West Hollywood Orchestra button with my Violins I preset, Violins II, Flute I, Flute II, 6 Horns, 2 Horns, etc.). I don't ask the Notion Team to do the presets, instead if the customer could have the possibility to see the presets he has made in the score editor, this would be awesome !
Actually, I have a template that I load every time I compose a new score because I don't want to redo all the things I have done : score editor=>new VST instrument=> choose the appropriate East West instrument (in this case) with the articulations that I want (+ setting the volume of each articulation inside of Play to balance the different articulations) => Rename the staff (+ setting the clef and transposition if needed) => Write (or import) my custom rules => apply it to the instrument => redo the same thing for the instruments of the orchestra that I will use. This is a lot of work ! If it was like the VSL presets it would have been much easier and would save me A LOT of time ! :)
I hope it makes sense, and I hope that my comment will be useful ! :)
(Sorry for the english mistakes by the way)
I wish you the best !
Matthieu Dulong
Edit : And it would be very useful too to be able to share these presets with the other Notion users ! I made a lot of Notion presets and templates for the VSL (Special Edition and some more extensions) and the East West libraries (especially Hollywood Orchestra at this time) and I would be very happy to share these presets to the other users ! This way, they can have a starting point if they don't want to spend much time to do this work (and I know that it takes A LOT of time :) ) that they can modify to their own taste or simply to see what others have done with these libraries. This would exonerate the Notion Team from making the presets. What do you think ?