Questions & Answers

Automation: Using a NI Komplete Kontrol keyboard I can write, but I can't read.

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asked Nov 13, 2018 in Studio One 4 by vincentmartin4 (180 points)
I have Studio One Pro 4 and two keyboard controllers: A Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol S88 Mark One and a Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol A61. I am able to record and interface with both controllers. I am trying to record an instrument (midi) track with NI Kontakt 6 full version running an Orange Tree guitar sample library. I can record the track fine and it plays fine. However I am also trying to use automation to record the mod wheel to be able to record the vibrato articulation. Now I can manually "draw" the modulation in the piano roll and it works ok that way. But I'd like to use the controller to do this. I was able to record the auto mation ok using the mod wheel in the touch mode and it appears in the automation lane for it. I can hear the vibrato as I was playing it. But when I go to the Kontakt plugin and change it to read it doesn't read it. Am I missing something? Sorry, I haven't had Studio One for very long and still trying to learn it. I read the manual and googled online.