Questions & Answers

How many points a usually needed for feature?

0 votes
asked Nov 13, 2018 in MyPreSonus Questions by johnbishop4 (580 points)
I was wondering how many points are usually needed before the developer team decides to strongly consider working on a feature?  I am in the market for a new DAW.  I have used Cakewalk for 20 years.  I really want to find a company that uses Android as well as Apple tablets.  I noticed that the Notion for Android request has 69 votes and another same request with 21 votes for a total of 90 votes. Is this just a shot in the dark?  Are thousands of votes needed?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 31, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer
Not necessarily, view and votes help to give it better visibility, the developers have been known to go through the requests to see what folks are asking about.

Often times folks will ask for features before doing a search and we end up with multiple entries for the same feature request.

Be sure to search and vote on ones you like before posting.