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After power failure external MIDI keyboard's signal seem stuck in Studio One 4 - Repair SO?

0 votes
asked Dec 4, 2018 in Studio One 4 by jacquessteyn1 (1,550 points)
Lots of other software I use have a Repair option. Does SO have that? I can't find.

After power failure external MIDI keyboard triggers only one sound - some strings. I had to fix quite  a number of VST's, but just can'f finc a solution to get the keyboard pointing to the selected sound again.

The keyboard has no internal sound. No matter what track on SO I select, the same strings sound is played - so  when selecting drums. To test whether something went wrong with the song data, I created a new song, and only one MIDI track. I inserted Presonus Key Piano sound on that track. Still only the strings sound plays.

I did check if the input routes to the keyboard - that seems fine. I tried various MIDI in's.

The problem seem to be due to some mapping problem between the external keyboard and some SO setting.

I have no clue where else to look.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2018 by benmalan (550 points)
You could try re-running the install over top of it (not uninstalling first).  I haven't tried this but installing a new version of Studio One seemed to keep most of my settings.
0 votes
answered Dec 7, 2018 by jacquessteyn1 (1,550 points)
Thanks benmalan. Tried, that, didn't work.

Here is what works:

1. The external keyboard works fine when connected to other gear

2. SO4 tracks receives the MIDI signal, as the indicator lights up when a keay is pressed.

3. A selected VST is properly connected in SO4 - the onscreen virtual keyboard triggers sounds from MIDI fine

4. The track's Input settings are fine

5. The keyboard is set up as instrument under SO4 Options. I even tried to delete the keyboard as instrument and reinstalled it. I made sure the configuration is the same as when it still worked.

Interestingly, after reinstalling the keyboard as instrument, the string sound disappeared. Now there is now sound at all when a key is pressed on the external keyboard - but there is when a key is pressed on the virtual keyboard.