Questions & Answers

Does the Studio Live Series III 32R work with an ipad and the lightning USB adapter?

0 votes
asked Dec 7, 2018 in StudioLive Series III by leemurray (370 points)
I need to record audio on ipad, and use the lightning to USB adapter to connect the mixer to the ipad. Does the 32R work like this? (Have a class-compliant USB interface)

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
selected Dec 20, 2018 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
The Series III mixer is not an MFI (Made for iPad) product, so this is not supported. You will need to use the AVB/USB port to multitrack from the mixer.
0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2018 by leemurray (370 points)
edited Dec 1, 2019 by leemurray

USB Interfaces don't have to be MFI to work with iPads. Just USB 2.0 Class Compliant. I have used several USB interfaces with ipads, you just have to use the Lightning to USB Adapter. So the question is really more if the mixer is USB class compliant, not MFI.  Usually if a device driver is not needed to connect it to a Mac, it will work with an ipad. The Auria page describes it pretty well. 

Also, I don't think you can control the mixer with the UC Surface app via lightning/usb. I seem to only be able to do that over the ethernet/wifi network. but it does work as long as your ipad is on the same wifi/ethernet network as the mixer.  but you can definitely record multitrack audio from the mixer to the ipad via usb/lightning. 

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2019 by ianwebster2 (250 points)

I tried to hook this iPad up via Apple's camera connection kit adapter (lighting to USB) and I wasn't able to control the mixer with UC Surface. It also didn't pop up any push notifications. However,  I did not open garage band to see if it was accepting audio.