Questions & Answers

Does Faderport V2 (2018) work as intended with Logic Pro X?

+2 votes
asked Dec 16, 2018 in FaderPort 2018 by joe c1 (210 points)
My new Faderport v2  (2018) is not working as described in the FPv2 manual. Many logic functions are not working or are working intermittently. There is a significant amount of lag between moving the FP fader and response in Logic. Often the fader won't cause any volume changes (or pan - if in flip mode) at all.

Any one experience this and have any solutions?

iMac Retina 5k /  24 Gb memory /  OSX 10.14.2 Mojave /  Logic Pro X 10.4.3  /  PreSonus SL 24.4.2ai board

5 Answers

+1 vote
answered Dec 21, 2018 by oscargarza3 (8,420 points)
selected Jan 17, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer
Hi, please make sure that you have installed the latest firmware by downloading PreSonus' Universal Control software. Once updated, press and hold the "Next" button while powering on, then press the flashing "Mute" button to enter the Logic operation mode. It is possible that you are still in the default "Studio One" operation mode.
+2 votes
answered Dec 22, 2018 by stefanriske (660 points)
I have the latest firmware installed, I'm in Logic operation mode and have the same problems with my Faderport v2.

In "flip mode" both the fader and the jog wheel control the Pan, instead of flipping their roles.
The "Link" and both "Lock" buttons appear to have no functionality at all, which is fine, but those aren't assignable either.
The default setting for the "Bypass" button doesn't work and new assigned functions have been ignored completely so far.

That makes too many buttons completely unusable.

It didn't work with older firmware versions but is there anything I have to do (reset anything on the Faderport or in Logic) after a firmware update to make it work properly now, if those errors were addressed in the latest update?

MacBook Pro 2015 / macOS 10.13.6 / Logic Pro X 10.4.3
+1 vote
answered Feb 19, 2019 by pierremarmignon (170 points)
Hi Joe,

I have exactly the same issue.

So far I was asked to take a video, then clear the midi devices and now I'm asked to use studio one to try to reproduce...

For me it is mainly the zoom function working randomly. removing the controller from Logic a few times helps to fix the issue for the session.


0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2019 by pierolosenno (190 points)
Hello, my faderport V2 "bypass all"
  does not work on logic pro x, there are solutions ????
0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2020 by gabrielmanrique (140 points)
Hello, my faderport V2 "bypass and bypass all"
  does not work on logic pro x, there are solutions ?