Questions & Answers

Static Busses. Scrollable Channels

+18 votes
asked Dec 17, 2018 in Look and Feel by sghose (700 points)
I wish there are two separate blocks for tracks and busses so that I can scroll channels left to right keeping the busses visible.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Dec 17, 2018 by gottfriedbergmair (16,530 points)
selected Jan 5, 2019 by jonnylipsham
Best answer

In the console you can scroll left or right by:

* mouse wheel (hover the mouse over the channels)

* Ctrl-Left/Right Arrow (= Go Left/Right)

* Page Up/Down, Pos1 and End

In the console options you can

* keep busses (bus, fx, vca) to the right

* sync and show/hide channels in folders

In the "Channel list" and/or in the "Track list"  you can

* show/hide any channels you want

and you can make "channel scenes"

Here is a good feature request about "to keep busses on the right side of the master bus":

