Questions & Answers

Earmix 16 channel monitors suddenly stop working? Why?

0 votes
asked Jan 3, 2019 in EarMix 16M by dkarlsthomas (150 points)
We have 6 New EarMix 16M, the 1st box is plugged into our DBX Equilizer unit and then they are daisy chained together with Ethernet cables, sometimes they work perfectly but then sometimes they work during worship practice and then one of them will stop working, or sometimes they work during practice and then in the middle of Worship during a Service they all stop working at once. I need to know how to fix this problem, thanks.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 14, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,720 points)
Best answer
Why is the EarMix connected to a DBX EQ unit?

Log a support ticket.
0 votes
answered Feb 2, 2019 by mikaelkromer (140 points)
I have the same issue. I experience audio dropout or that the earmixes freezes completely. Normally it takes many hours before the earmix freezes, but it can also happen after 1hour. My setup is studiolive 16r, presonus avb switch and 4 earmixes. Same problem with and without the avb switch. All ethernet cables are brand new cat5e.

I have been in contact with support and the answer I got was that they are aware of the issue and that if it happens I should just restart the earmix. That ‘fix’ does not really work in a live situation... I did not get any answer for when this issue will be fixed.
0 votes
answered May 19, 2019 by randypascarella (370 points)
In case this is still an issue for you, we had a similar problem.  We have a SW5E switch with at least 2 or 3 Earmixes daisy-chained on each of the 4 channels (all running from our StudioLive Series III 32-channel mixer).  Randomly, about once a week or so, all of the Earmixes on the same SW5E channel would drop out with no sound.  One week it was one of the channels, another week it was another.  The blue link status LED on the Earmixes that went out would turn green.

We flashed the firmware on the StudioLive, the SW5E, and all Earmixes to the latest January 24th firmware and so far we no longer see the problem.  Seems like a good fix at this point.  Hope this helps.