Questions & Answers

My audiobx keeps disconnecting as soon as I turn on the 48V button to use my Condenser Mic

0 votes
asked Jan 6, 2019 in AudioBox USB by sonjaduplessis (120 points)
I'm just about fed up now! I have been busy with a project for the past 3 months and I'm sure I could have been finished now, please, why does the audiobox keep disconnecting as soon as I want to use my mic, the second I turn on my mic the device disconnects and my PC says audiodevice not recoonized... Then I have to uninstall the driver, reinstall universal control and restart my PC, just so that it can recognize the device again....and the real kicker??? after I have restarted the PC, and I go into Studio one and turn on my mic, the same **** process starts all over again. Please assist!

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 13, 2019 by christhomas15 (2,780 points)
Do you have your audiobox plugged into a USB 3 port it may be an issue. If not your USB port may not have adequate power. Try a powered USB hub and that should be a fix
0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2022 by scottpalmer9 (270 points)
I'm having the same issue, connecting to both a USB 2.0 port directly in my machine (an Apple Thunderbolt Display) and to a *powered* USB hub with no other devices connected to draw power. If I connect the USB power with the phantom switch off, then the PreSonus (iTwo) works fine. As soon as I switch on phantom, the whole dashboard lights come on solid, and the device disappears out of the Universal Control software and is unavailable as an audio device to my OS.

This is a frustrating issue. How can a device advertised to be so mobile have such extreme power supply issues and be this unreliable or inflexible? I know I'm bumping a now two-year-old thread, but I hope there are some answers available. Thank you.
0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2022 by scottpalmer9 (270 points)
OK I'm here again to update my own non-answer from earlier. I just swapped out the USB cable, and somehow it's working as desired now. All other things equal, only a new cable and now the 48v powers on and the devise stays connected with no red led lights, etc. That blows my mind, too, because the new cable i bought was the $4.88 job from walmart, just a 6' onn-brand printer cable. In fairness, the cable I was using before was 10', unknown brand.

But still...