Questions & Answers

My playhead disappears with the edit window.

+1 vote
asked Jan 7, 2019 in Studio One 3 by dgavhjtx (130 points)
Before I start, I want to say sorry for my short english, and I want to tell you that I am literary beginner in music.

I'm the user who is using studio one 3 prime version. Let me tell you about my 'Playhead disappearing issue'.

At first,(when I start the Studio one program) I can see my playhead. But it disappears when I open and close the edit which is at the right-bottom corner. I can see playhead when I open my edit window, but it disappears again if I close that window. Sometimes It reveres.(Can't see playhead in instrument midi edit menu)

Is this studio one 3 prime's bug? If it could have been fixed, please tell me how can I fix it.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2019 by christopherburke (140 points)
Bump for visibility. Having this issue aswell. No answers anywhere online.
0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2020 by steevespoulon (140 points)

I have exactlly the same issue  with the 2 last versions of Studio one 4.6.

I see that nobody answers with any solution to the original post.

Please Presonus Team, any idea about the way to fix it?
