Questions & Answers

How do I resolve recurring network error?

0 votes
asked Jan 8, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by markdeckard (150 points)
Bought StudioLiveIII 32, a total of 5 EarMix units, and a StageBox and run everything on a network connection.

We are running heavy Cat cable from board to stage box, from stage box to daisy chained earmix units.

For weeks the setup seemed to be working in our church. It was a big adjustement learning our way around the board as well as getting used to the earmix approach as opposed stage wedges.

About the time we were running smoothly and had everything figured out, we started getting dropouts on our ear mixes. The blue light turned green. The audio loss would last from 5-30 seconds. We would restart them and the board and the Stage box and get through. The mains would not drop out just the monitors.

We noticed on the UC that the Word clock was reverting to network stream on its own. We would set it back to internal. Submitted multiple support tickets to Presonus and spent weeks waiting on the back and forth and having many questions unanswered. They like to just give you links to manuals.

Now not only are the earmixes dropping out, the mains are dropping out. Its a miracle it has not destroyed our weekly live performance. Usually happens during practice which we do for hours. Actual performance is like 20 minutes at a time.

I have scoured the internet trying to understand what we are doing wrong. I have shortened all the jumps between devices with the shortest possible Cat6 cables. I have no more than 6 jumps on the network. I have installed two $450 power conditioners so that every component and instrument in the system is running on clean voltage regulated power. Still the same symptoms getting worse.

As much money as we dumped into this system and we cant even pick up the phone and get help from Presonus. Only online support tickets.

Any help is appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 14, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,700 points)
Best answer
Hi Mark, please give Technical Support a call, link: