Questions & Answers

Knobs on plugins shoot to 0 or 100 when holding down the mouse button down and dragging

+2 votes
asked Jan 10, 2019 in Studio One 4 by tommypeluso (420 points)
Sometimes when holding the mouse button down to spin a knob on a plugin it either unclicks or makes the knob go to 0% or even worse... 100%

This has been happening since my studio one 3 and I thought studio one 4 may have been updated and fixed.

Anyone else experience this?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2020 by [email protected] (410 points)
Yes, this happens to me on Studio One 5.  I'm new to Studio One (long time Logic, then Reaper user, giving Studio One 5 a shot).  It seems especially bad in certain waves plugins.
0 votes
answered Feb 13, 2021 by enriquealcaraz (160 points)
Hi this is also happening to me! It is very very annoying and I cant find a solution to it ! Please if someone has solved the issue let me know! I have even changed mouse, but when holding a knob suddenly it jumps all the way up or down, making it impossible to work and could be damaging the speakers!