Questions & Answers

Is it possible to navigate with the middle mouse wheel button now?

+35 votes
asked Jul 10, 2020 in Studio One 5 by frantisekkrejcir (320 points)
Is it possible to navigate around the workspace by holding the middle mouse button now in Studio One 5, or is this feature for some reason still missing?

Also, is it possible to change the horizontal zoom in and out hotkeys, for something like CTRL + Mousewheel Up and Down?

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 17, 2020 by Scoox (17,310 points)

It's still missing because they the devs were busy implementing fancy non-core features that nobody asked for. See this FR I posted over four years ago and vote. It's quite common for DAW companies to spend a lot of time developing new plugins and this and completely ignore feature requests that make a lot of sense to everybody.

0 votes
answered Feb 15, 2021 by arnisracinskis (940 points)
this is a deal breaker :( No Sphere untill this works or 15$/month lost untill it's fixed! :)
0 votes
answered Apr 14, 2021 by shannonmccarthy1 (160 points)
nope, cant even sell this copy of SO5 i have, presonus needs theyre ******* heads kicked in. You cant even use tools like XMB to modify it in windows because the input processing of Studio One 5 isnt standard. Do you not consider the fact that some people have physical disability's and would turn their world around if you could modify certain basic functions.? Ignorant dickheads