Questions & Answers

Pinch to Zoom

+5 votes
asked Jan 17, 2019 in Notion Feature Requests by jamestaylor38 (260 points)

I recently purchased Progression and was disheartened to find that while the app is written for macOS, it doesn't take advantage of Pinch-to-Zoom.

I've been using Notion for iPad and love how easy it is to pinch and zoom in on my score. It would be nice if it were possible to have the same great user experience on the Mac as well.

Progression's insistence on keeping the score left-aligned on the window also feels non-native and jarring. And zooming in steps instead of smoothly feels odd and dated. Progression is the only app that I use for content creation on my Mac which behaves this way.

I would love to see Progression behave more like Apple's Pages, Numbers, and Keynote. These would be great apps to use as references, should your team wish improve this aspect of the user experience. I really hope that you will consider this for future releases.

Very best,
