Questions & Answers

When I connect my powered monitors to the AUX Channels I get no sound

0 votes
asked Jan 22, 2019 in StudioLive Ai LoudSpeakers by kennethmccoy (120 points)
I have powered monitors Mackey and EV's but I cannot get them to work on the AUX channels they work on the main out , monitor jack and CR jack

1 Answer

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answered Apr 19, 2019 by bobbrock (520 points)
Kenneth -

Which board are you using? Are you using a stage box? What is your configuration? Which version firmware?

I had this problem with my SL16 S3 connected to my 32R set up in stage box mode, with the monitors hooked to the 32R. It turned out that I had configured the digital routing incorrectly. The Auxes need to be set to Analog not Networked. Once I changed that, everything worked.