Questions & Answers

Right click not working inside Sample One

+2 votes
asked Jan 26, 2019 in Studio One 4 by federicosilva (4,550 points)
When I try to right click to remove a sample from Sample One nothing happens.

 I'm using Mac OSX versión 10.14

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 29, 2019 by nazeehislam (240 points)
I don't have an answer.  I have the same problem and looking for an answer too.
0 votes
answered Jan 29, 2019 by federicosilva (4,550 points)
This appears to be a bug then, probably from the latest update. Anyone from Presonus to confirm this?
0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2019 by federicosilva (4,550 points)
I can confirm this has been fixed in the latest 4.1.3 update. Thanks!