Questions & Answers

When is Presonus going to add native support for Propellerhead Reason?

+9 votes
asked Feb 5, 2019 in FaderPort Series Feature Requests by alextorok (430 points)
I bought the new Faderport 2018, thinking Mackie Control would suffice - what I did not realize, is that the motorized fader does not update when moving up and down the track list(which is 95% of the reason I bought it in the first place). All that needs to happen, is for someone to whip up a little codec. I sure as heck don't know how. Propellerhead will provide you with the MIDI implementation charts and whatever else is needed. The only thing you have to lose are new, happy customers!



1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Feb 9, 2019 by christhomas15 (2,780 points)
The faderport works for multiple daws. But it is a powerhouse with studio one 4. I use reason 10 and studio one 4 pro the combo is a must have. Also checkout jbridge you can use 32 bit plugins on both Daws. Which are 64 bit