Questions & Answers

Creativity improvement

+5 votes
asked Feb 7, 2019 in Recording by haraldsson (670 points)
I came from Cubase 9.5/10 Pro about a half a year ago. I love using Studio One Professional. But time and time again I find myself missing the retrospective recording function I have in Cubase. Today I had been playing along with a track I am working on in Studio One and... wow!... this sounded good. But I could not recreate it! In Cubase I would have hit "retrospective recording" and it would have been there. I miss it all the time. I also write piano music where I lay down the cords and then just play around with some melody ideas on top. I know I could do that in record mode. But something happens to the free creativity when the recording is on - I don't feel free. Please implement retrospective recording in Studio One and make it the way Cubase does it - not only in play mode but also in stop mode. I really need this function. I love Studio One - it is so ease and innovative to work on and I don't want to go back to Cubase - or Pro Tools, witch I also have. Thanks, thanks, thanks, Hjortur PS. I know this request has been around for a long time, but I need it now.

2 Answers

+2 votes
answered Feb 8, 2019 by niles (54,670 points)

Please cast your vote here too: Retrospective Record / Capture Recording, we already collected quite a few.

0 votes
answered Feb 8, 2019 by haraldsson (670 points)

Thank you again for fast response! The PreSonus support is the fastest around! :-)

I know of the Retrospective Record / Capture Recording request - and I voted for it some time ago.

I just wanted to make my point again.

All the best, Hjortur
