Questions & Answers

RECORD MODE (Like a cubase)

+6 votes
asked Mar 31, 2021 in Recording by hadiaskari1 (500 points)
edited Mar 31, 2021 by hadiaskari1

How can I set Record Mode "Studio One" like "Cubase"?
In Cubase, the recordings are stacked on top of each other, and if one side is recorded on the other, the event below will not be heard either during the recording or listening process.
But in Studio One, the new recordings of the events that we have already recorded below in Record Mode interrupt the previous event to replace the new event, and in Take a Layer mode, this still happens if Play Overlaps is off. falls down...
This has made my job very difficult...
The Play overlaps option only causes the bottom layer to be heard at the top and does not cut when recording ... that is, the previous recording is heard in the new recording.
Cubase has an option in "Record Mode" in addition to "Replace" and "Take a Layer" called "Keep History" that allows previous recordings to remain one by one and not be heard or deleted in the new recording Lamb...

As I learned from the support department, this is not possible in Studio One

Is it possible to add "Keep History" to "Record Mode" in Studio One in future updates?


Cubase Pro 11 vs Studio One 5
