Questions & Answers

Modal Window

+1 vote
asked Feb 13, 2019 in Look and Feel by risotto (2,250 points)
I have a big wish! I would like to see the modal windows disappear. Really, it drives me nuts every time when I want to export a song, typing in everything in the export window and than recognizing that I've forgotten to enable a plugin or to setup the loop correctly. And than I have to close the window make the changes, re-open it just to see, that the filename and everything is cleared.

The macro edit window is another one, it's so time consuming when you are creating a macro and you want to test it you have to close the edit window.

So, this is my big wish to change every of those modal windows. :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 19, 2020 by geraldbritton (2,190 points)
Defo want this.  Drives me nuts too!