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When naming a mixdown, I'd like to be able to see what other audio files are already in that folder.

+11 votes
asked Feb 25, 2020 in Mixing by robcolling (1,390 points)
Hi all. Forgive me if this has already been requested. I couldn't find it.

I'm a professional music editor, I just switched to S1, and I'm very impressed, but I'm also very surprised by how limited the Export Mixdown window is. It's really not suited to professional needs. I've just answered and upvoted a bunch of other requests to improve it, but I can't find this one so here's a new request.

In my line of work clients request lots of changes, so I spend a lot of time revising songs and exporting new versions of existing mixdowns. My problem is, there is no way to see what audio files (i.e. previous exports) are currently in the mixdowns folder. I need to know whether, when I last worked on this song a month or two ago, I got up to (say) version 4 or version 5 or version 6 or whatever, so that I know what name to give to this new version I'm exporting. At the moment the only way to find out what version number I'm up to is to open the folder in Explorer, and then go back to S1 and type in the filename manually. This is a time-consuming workaround when I'm exporting a dozen of these per day, and it also makes errors in the filenames much more likely!

Could we have a button that opens the folder window, so that I can (for example) click on the last saved filename and increment the number up by one?

Setup: Windows 10, custom PC, Studio One Professional 4.6.1, A&H Zed R16

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2020 by LHandley (3,490 points)

This is a great suggestion. The problem is, S1 isn't calling the standard Windows file save dialog, which always shows files of the type you're saving in the destination folder. S1 is using is own, internal file save dialog. They need to either implement the same functionality in their dialog, or just call the Windows dialog. I have, more than one time, had a mixdown named 'songname(2).wav' because I forgot I had already mixed that song down before and it was named 'songname.wav'.

So, for your purposes, the incrementing behavior is already there, BUT, if you happen to not remember the file name, it won't do that incrementing. So yeah, great suggestion.
