Questions & Answers

Studio 68 vs Studio68-C

0 votes
asked Feb 16, 2019 in AudioBox USB by tonysollazzo (280 points)
Hi - on Jan 27 allantutt1 asked about the new -C version but didn't get a response and I'm hoping someone(s) can answer both his and my question which is:

"I'm a very happy Studio 68 owner and I'd like to know if there is more processing power inside the 68-C in addition to a new connector?"

The spec sheets for both 68 and 68-C look very similar and it would be nice if *all* the PreSonus spec sheets had some sort of "operations per second" rating to give a rough estimate as to the *relative* processing power (i.e. between PreSonus hardware models, not for other comparisons) because currently the number of inputs is about all you can use to guesstimate performance.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2019 by LucasTX (2,710 points)
I ask this question in relation to 1810 and 1810c -- see below for my question, and the response from Presonus.

I am trying to understand difference between 1810 and 1810c . They appear to have identical specifications - only the color and the USB connector are different (I understand both operate at USB 2.0 speed - please correct me if I am wrong about that.


Thanks for contacting PreSonus!

You appear to already have the concept of the differences. The C version is basically an update to the previous silver version. BOTH are great choices. The C version just makes that leap into the C port becoming the standard connector being used and available now and in the future. Most modern computer are starting to include these ports so we decided it was time to refresh the line.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.


Colby Huval
US Inside Sales