Questions & Answers

Low Pass and Speaker Delay on Flex Mixes for Studio Live III

+9 votes
asked Feb 23, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by danielsievert (11,870 points)
edited Feb 25, 2019 by danielsievert
Low Pass filters and delay compensation to Flex Mixes so that they can be used more easily to send to subs, time-align speakers.

Thank you.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 27, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,420 points)
Best answer
The flex mixes have a delay setting and a LPF built into them as is.
+2 votes
answered Feb 27, 2019 by danielsievert (11,870 points)
Thank you Jonny, my apologies. I forget that the delay function is there because it's generally hidden in the settings tab for the input.  What I would like is the same type of dedicated LPF that was on the Mono output for RM32AI.  An LPF independent of the PEQ.

Thanks again.