Questions & Answers

Phase flip button for Outputs , high and Low pass option on all EQs, Pink noise generator, Feedback detection

+31 votes
asked Mar 15, 2020 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by lukedoherty (570 points)
Can we have a dedicated Phase flip button for all Outputs , group / aux / main etc. So you can change the phase of the signal, for instance if your running AUX fed subs like me. or flip the phase of stage monitors. And even separated left / right phase flip for the main out and all stereo busses and stereo signals in and out .... and dedicated high and Low pass option on all EQs so they can by used as speaker crossovers for live work without useing the bands on the EQ itself ... a pink noise generator would be useful. And A more intelligent feedback detection, letting you know what frequency is feeding back when in RTA mode.

I’ve only had my studiolive 32sc for 7 days and yet to gig it. But these are the first things I noticed when setting everything up for the next gig.

2 Answers

+7 votes
answered Mar 20, 2020 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer

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+7 votes
answered Mar 20, 2020 by adamsoltysiak (980 points)
Yep, have the same sad things in my head . The Beringers x32 has great tools to do the crossing on all aux buses. Maybe next set of plugins will have some features to do that. It will be nice to have LP and HP with slope control 12 - 48db.