Questions & Answers

How to connect an external Aphex 240 compressor to my studio live 16.0.2 mixer

0 votes
asked Feb 25, 2019 in Classic Mixers by filippocosentino (150 points)
Hello, I am a studiolive 16.0.2 usb owner and I would like to use my aphex 240 compressor

How I can connect the external compressor to the mixer?

Which outputs are similar to an insert?

Thank you


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 27, 2019 by danielsievert (11,890 points)
selected Feb 27, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer
On the 16.0.2 you have line level 1/4" jack inputs and line level jack and XLR outputs. These are the correct type and level to connect to the Aphex 240 but none of them work as inserts.

If you want to use the compressor over input sources such as vocals then you'll need to connect it to the line input of one or more channels on the mixer. However, ideally you'll need to use an external mic preamp to connect into the Aphex to get get your source signal in.

Alternatively you could connect your Main / Monitor / Aux outputs from the 16.0.2 into the Aphex 240 but you'd need to decide where you wanted the signal to go from there.