Questions & Answers

Can you notate a guitar slide before a note, not between or after a note?

+4 votes
asked Feb 27, 2019 in Notion by SwampFOX (380 points)
Notion seems to require a slide to be placed after a note or between notes and will not notate a slide from no particular note to a specific note,

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Apr 14, 2019 by stefanleineke (340 points)
edited Apr 14, 2019 by stefanleineke
It's very common for guitar players to play a very, very short slide or bending to reach the tone on the beat. One could say it's a bending or a slide from a gracenate to the "main" note. Inspite of trying hard I found no solution for this.
0 votes
answered Feb 11, 2020 by leeradzicki (310 points)
I'm using the Notion 6 demo version to evaluate it.  I was just going to ask the same question because I couldn't figure out how to do it.  Seems like something easy to add to the next version, please!  Very common guitar technique.
0 votes
answered Jul 6, 2020 by hervclaret (410 points)

Yes, it will be very useful to add short slide (rise or fall) before the note without be linked to another rest or note.

Will be very appreciated for trombone notation.

Best regards.