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Allow Local Preamp/48V Control on StudioLive III when Networked

+4 votes
asked Mar 5, 2019 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by pauldiem (1,970 points)

We have two Studiolive 32 III's networked together. Each mixer has some analog inputs and each mixer receives the other mixer's analog inputs over AVB. There is currently no way for us to have preamp gain and 48V control for the local analog inputs and digital gain for the AVB inputs. With Preamp Permissions set to All, both mixers have preamp gain and 48V control over all inputs, both local and remote. Recalling a scene overwrites all preamp gain and 48V settings on both mixers. With Preamp Permissions set to Studiolive 32, neither mixer has preamp gain or 48V control over any inputs.

We would like:

- Each mixer to have preamp gain and 48V control over all it's analog inputs (perhaps only accessible when the source mode for the channel is set to analog).

- Each mixer to have digital gain control over the inputs it has the source mode for the channel set to network.

- Each mixer to have the option to enable Gain Compensation on the inputs it has the source mode for the channel set to network.

1 Answer

–1 vote
answered Apr 9, 2019 by benpierce (99,500 points) 1 flag
Best answer
It seems you may be going about some of your setup wrong. It's hard to tell exactly where based on your description, but you should be able to:

1. Have 2 connected consoles each with control of their analog preamps.

2. Each console can have remote control of preamps of the other console if it is receiving that channel from the other console and its input is set to Network.

Gain Comp is a different thing. That requires a split. As of right now, only the NSBs can do Gain Comp streams. Both consoles would have to be sourcing the same inputs from that NSB. I don't think the mixers have enough processing power left to add Gain Comp stream capability.