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This is the official "PREAMP GAINS RESETTING TO ZERO" thread.

+5 votes
asked Feb 12, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by bradleykarnes (1,320 points)

Hello everyone...

Let's start tracking who is having problems with preamp gains resetting to zero.

Please make sure you include which mixer you are using, what inputs are being affected (AVB or Analog), and what you are using for a stagebox (NSB or 32R, etc.) if applicable.

This seems to be associated with the power up sequence between stageboxes and mixer.  But, I have seen a few people on Facebook mention it is happening on analog inputs as well.

I am using the SLIII 16 with NSB 16.8 and occasionally on power up some of the inputs from the NSB are at 0 and it doesn't matter if you recall a scene where the input gain was definitely set to something else.  I have also had problems with 48V being turned off at random times, I am 100% sure that this is related.

The more people who report accurate accounts of what they have experienced the better.  I hope this helps Presonus track down why this happens and a way to fix it.

Let's be respectful, provide great info for Presonus and make sure you UP VOTE!!!

8 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 12, 2021 by jonnydoyle (403,760 points)
Best answer
This is a user based support system. Anyone having this issue needs to log a support ticket for help.
0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2019 by pauldiem (1,970 points)
This may not apply to your case but we have two Studiolive III's connected peer-to-peer. In Standalone mode with Preamp Permission set to All, a scene recall on one mixer will change the preamp gain and 48V settings on the remote mixer to whatever was saved in the scene.
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2019 by giffenf (200 points)
Just found this thread.  It looks like changing the selected input source in digital patching will zero out the gain.

I thought perhaps I had inadvertently reset some of my ports and zeroed the gain, but maybe not.  I've found that if I change the digital patching, and, for example, route channel 1 to get its input from AVB 17 on the stage box, and set the gain for that channel, then switch the input source back to Analog 1, the gain will zero out.  That happens fairly consistently (I say "fairly" because, even though I've not yet seen it behave any differently, I'm open to the possibility that it won't do that sometimes).   

I'm still getting familiar with my mixer, so it's not a big deal for me now.  (SL III 16 console mixer, firmware 1.10.15552)
0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2019 by kevinstrain (160 points)
I had this issue when I was using the analog 1-4 with my wireless mic's but the mic channels were 17-20. Whenever I would switch these channels from usb (Capture software playback) or avb by accident and then back to analog they would go back to zero. I found that using the analog inputs 17-20 with these mic's fixed the gain from dropping. Now every time i switch the input type on these mic's the gain stays current.

Try to make sure that your analog input is set to the same channel your using and see if this fixes the gain issues.
0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

I think this problem has been solved with the latest firmwares. Gain settings are following changes of the channel input sources in the correct way. By the way: The latest firmware for all Series III mixers is

0 votes
answered Jul 22, 2020 by mattboast (190 points)
I believe I have been experiencing this when loading Virtual Sound Checks using Capture 3. It switches all inputs to USB but then fails to switch them back to Network and preamp gain gets set to 0 when exiting the virtual sound check mode. Using a Studiolive 32sx and a 32R as a stagebox.
+1 vote
answered Jan 6, 2021 by ryancadle (160 points)
So here it is January 6, 2021, and the last 3 weeks that I’ve turned on my Presonus StudioLive 32S, all my preamp gains have been reset to zero. When I try to readjust them, it will only allow me to bring the gain up to 20. I have found that restarting the stage box (NSB AVB 16.8), it will then allow me to have full gain control. Any reason as to why this is just now happening? We have the boar and stage box for over a year. We also have issues with our sound completely dropping during a church service. It will drop for 5-20 seconds and then pop back on. Neither the board or the stage box power off during this time. HELP!!!
0 votes
answered Jan 18, 2021 by andreasgrning1 (140 points)
I've been using a SL24R in stagebox mode with my SL32 FOH console and 3 Earmix16. Had the same issue.

I did two things:

1. An update on all devices to the newest software release

2. Some AVB (41 to 56) channels are reserved for the the audio streams between the stagebox and the console. Changes there can have an impact on the the channel settings.

After the update + using free AVB channels everything is fine now. Thanks to the Presonus support.