Questions & Answers

Networked Stage Box W/ Presonus StudioLive 32R

+2 votes
asked Dec 11, 2018 in Networked Stage Box by kylekirkpatrick1 (170 points)

My question is in regards to the interaction between the Networked Stage Box 8.8 and the StudioLive 32R. Does having either the NSB 8.8 or the NSB 16.8 increase your overall I/O?

We are using the StudioLive 32R as a monitor mixing console with Avioms. The 16 mix outputs are going to an Aviom distro and the main out L/R is going to a Sennheiser wireless transmitter for our main wireless mix. I am looking for ways to expand the I/O and came across the NSB 8.8 so we can add additional wireless mixes. Would adding an NSB 8.8 increase my I/O by 8 and 8?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 20, 2018 by jonnydoyle (403,780 points)
Best answer
The 32r is a 32ch mixer. You can use the 32 inputs on the mixer or you can add NSB stage boxes to have the inputs elsewhere on the stage. You can not increase the inputs past 32ch.