Questions & Answers

F*^K!! Notion keeps crashing when I'm trying to Save

+2 votes
asked Mar 14, 2019 in Notion by Curtsong (900 points)
This is so frustrating.  

I'm trying to save a Notion project and it freezes(ghosts) and then crashes every time I'm trying to save!!  Uggghhhhh!!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 15, 2019 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer

There is currently a problem with the MIDI output ports in Notion and Windows 10. The issue has been logged with the development team in hopes that it might be resolved in a future update. In the meantime, please go to File>Preferences>MIDI and select "-" for all of your MIDI output ports. Once you have set your MIDI output ports to none, please close and re-open the program. If the ports are already set to "-," please set them to something else, and then back to the hash-mark. Close and re-open Notion.

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2022 by joshuawinn (720 points)
Still happening to me, too. Not every time - maybe 30% of the time I save my file. The save seems to go through though, so no lost work. Tried the suggested workaround of changing the MIDI out ports to something else and then back to "-". I'm on Notion, and Windows 10 (21H1, 19043.1526).