Questions & Answers

fix autosave

+1 vote
asked Nov 12, 2021 in Mixing by mauriziobaggio (1,110 points)
The new autosave behaviour avoids to autosave while playback.

That's better then before, but now there's a different problem,

autosaves seem to take a fair amount of time before autosaving even when there's no playback.

It already happened twice that s1 crashed and my last autosave was from a hour's that possible? I haven't been playing a session for a hour continuously...

What's the autosave for if now I'm back on saving the session every 5 min cause I'm afraid to loose my work?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 31, 2021 by perryharks (170 points)
I think the problem is in one of the used Plugins in your project.

You could try to take out the last one added, before the problem occured.