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I cannot find a post on vocals to backing tracks to support my wife.

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asked Mar 19, 2019 in Computer Based Recording & Production by stevendavidson1 (150 points)
My wife would like to edit her own vocals against mainstream backing tracks. I thought this would be good and encourage her to sing for me but I cannot find a post that answers my question. How can I import backing tracks on to the interface? I promised my wife we could do this prior to her allowing the purchase as she would then be able to edit her own vocals. My wife does not wish to sing my songs as we have different music tastes, therefore my guitar is not required. How can I make things right with her????on my tracks, but after two days I cannot work out how to do this. Any help from ANYONE would be great.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 16, 2019 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
You'd simply import or drag and drop the stereo audio file that's the backing track into an empty Studio One song and create another mono track to record your wife singing on.