Questions & Answers

How do I get Capture for Ipad to record in 24/96 from my Apogee Mic 96?

0 votes
asked Dec 30, 2015 in Capture for AudioBox i-Series by JoeBainbridge (150 points)
recategorized Feb 18, 2016 by AlexTinsley
Just got an Ipad Air 2 w 128G for Christmas.  I bought the 32 track version of Capture for Ipad since I use S1 V3 in my studio.

I have an Apogee Mic 96 for mobile recording.

Capture recognizes I have the MIC 96 attached but I do not get an option to record at 24/96 I only get 44.1 & 48 as options to select.

Any ideas how to get this to work?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2016 by abrand2 (32,110 points)
selected Feb 18, 2016 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
Finally got an answer from Apogee on this.

Apparently the sampling rate issue in iOS is a little unusual since even though the Mic is 96k itself and some applications are capable of recording at 96k, the iPhone’s own internal DAC is only 48k-capable to play the file back.

For example, if you are using our own Apogee MetaRecorder app along with a MiC 96k and recording at 96k, the file itself will be recorded at the higher sampling rate. But in order to play the file back through the iPhone’s headphone output, the MetaRecorder app must apply Sample Rate conversion to knock the file back down to 48kHz so the phone is able to play it. The audio file itself remains at 96k, and when you export it to a Mac and open it in a 96k-capable DAW like Studio ONE for editing, it will still be at 96k.