Questions & Answers

Does PreSonus have any plans to release a 24 or 32 channel StudioLive console with 24-192 capability ?

+2 votes
asked Nov 5, 2016 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by [email protected] (170 points)
Hello, I'm wondering when PreSonus will be releasing a console (StudioLive 32) with simultaneous (at least) 24 channel (preferably 32 channel) 24b192KHz capability ?

Selective mode capability of sample frequencies all the way from 16-44.1 to 24-192  without loss of channel count.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)
selected Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck
Best answer

Nobody from PreSonus will give you an answer to this question, but you may want to follow the discussion in the SL 32/SL 16 part of the forums, which will answer your questions. But to give you some ideas, let me quote the product page: "48 kHz operation with 24-bit resolution (44.1 kHz option coming soon)". In the forums it is clearly said that 88.2 and 96 kHz functionality will be left to the RM mixers (and SL series II). There will also be no casading and no Dante, as this page says. The SL 32/SL 16 will be an own "ecosystem" and not compatible with RM/SL II. PreSonus has not introduced the SL 16, but in the forum you find a link to the Sweetwater page.
