Questions & Answers

Update to Studio4 issues

0 votes
asked Apr 3, 2019 in Studio One 4 by davidramey01 (320 points)
What has happened to my setup since I just Upgraded to S4 pro? Everything was freaking awesome before on S3. Never a problem. So I thought it was a good time to upgrade to S4 Pro. All of a sudden, my Studio 192 is having to be reset every time I go into the program. My Audiobox usb 2.0 isn't being recognized. Again, I have to unplug it and reconnect it. My Faderport 16 is the only thing that is recognized! My PC has slowed way, way, way down and before the upgrade,  my PC performance was hardly even on the meter. Now, its filling over half the way up when i use a pligin and even goes off the chart into dropping out. Before, I never even had drop out protection on! Please! Someone help me!

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2019 by presonus24 (140 points)
I’m having similar problems. Had Studio 3 professional running fine. Upgraded to Studio 4 . Computer doesn’t recognize my 24:4:2. I was told to uninstall and install latest download load for Presonus 24:4:2. Beginning to have my doubts about the software issues!
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2019 by davidramey01 (320 points)
I too sone the sane thing. Downloaded the software for my Audiobox usb but then it still doesn't work.