Questions & Answers

Qmix UC connects but faders are not there

+2 votes
asked Apr 6, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by jeremyhensel (210 points)
We are using qmix UC for in ear monitor mixes with a studio live III.  I have 6 members using different types of devices (Iphone and samsung phones) to control the aux mixes.  We set them up and had a great practice and everybody had control as they should.  We came back a couple days later and half the phones connected fine and work great.  The other half connect, you can select the board, but the mixer screen/faders all grey and you can control your mix.  Any ideas?  Could it by the router?

8 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 11, 2019 by jonnydoyle (403,740 points)
Best answer
If you find your having this issue its because you device has auto updated to QMIX v3 and your mixer has not been updated to firmware v2.0

Please update your mixer and turn off auto updates to avoid this happening in the future.
+1 vote
answered Apr 7, 2019 by michaelbreakall (160 points)
I’m having the exact same problem.

Only empty grey boxes where faders should be. My device is recognized and has full permission from the board.

SL 16 series iii - using iPhone XR. Latest firmware and iOS installed and Qmix up to date.
+2 votes
answered Apr 7, 2019 by gracecommunity (180 points)
Same here. It happed after the latest app update.
0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2019 by leonardofernandezgarcia (290 points)
Same problem since last update: (built on Mar 12 2019).

I´m using the app with the PreSonus StudioLive 32R.

0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2019 by leonardofernandezgarcia (290 points)
I open a ticket to support, and they said to me that I need to update the firmware of my StudioLive 32R, because the version 3.0.0 of QMix-UC is not compatible with the previous firmware.

I got my StudioLive32R in my church without Internet Connection, then tomorrow I can test if this fix the problem.

Please, can you test if with the update the problem is solved?
0 votes
answered Apr 9, 2019 by technikgaw (300 points)
An update to version firmware version 2.0 fixed the problem for us.
0 votes
answered Apr 10, 2019 by leonardofernandezgarcia (290 points)
Same here, I updated to v2.0.15934 and now all works correctly.

Warning: The manual for offline firmware update for StudioLive 32R (drag and drop), do not works correctly with Universal Control v3 (I opened a ticket in technical support due this). You must have an internet connection.

0 votes
answered Apr 11, 2019 by jeremyhensel (210 points)
Thanks to all for your responses.  Updated the firmware and it resolved the issue.
