Questions & Answers

Cannot Establish MIDI Connection to Superior Drummer 3 (V Drums)

0 votes
asked Apr 23, 2019 in Studio One 4 by mikemcgraw1 (980 points)

Hi everyone,

No problem to connect V Drums to standalone version of Superior Drummer 3. In S1 however, I cannot even get V Drums to register incoming MIDI signal on track let alone trigger SD3.

Add V Drums as "New Keyboard" with ALL MIDI channels selected.  All software fully up-to-date.

See the following video for greater detail:

Studio One 4 Professional

Windows 10 Pro

RME Fireface 400 (Firewire)

Roland TD-20

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2019 by mikemcgraw1 (980 points)
WOW!  That was fast.  I'm an idiot.  Turns out I didn't have the track see to receive from the "New Keyboard" I set up.  I thought because I had "v drums" selected in the plug-in window that I was good to go.

Hope this helps other "idiots" out there.  LOL

I'd now like to take the time to welcome myself to Studio One after working in Cubase for 20 years.