I´m using a MacBook pro 13" (the standard series from late 17´. the drumsett is a Roland TD-1DMK. I'm running a usb directly from the pad on the drumkitt into my computer. I can se that there is information coming into the MDMI port, but I can't get it to trigger drum samples, I've tried the Impact and the free version of SSD5. I know I have to select the instrument in the sample program but I can't seem to find it. and yeas I have created the drums as a new instrument. chasing revive from as TD-1. the only option I get, and selected all the Chanels, its also sending to nothing.
What am I ignoring? please help before the computer goes out the window in total rage.
Kind regards Eldar Carr Svanes
Specs again:
MacBook Pro 13" 2017
os Mojave 10.14.6
Roland TD-1MDK
Studio One 4 latest update
presonus audibox 1818vsl