Questions & Answers

Now you see it.. now you don't.. what's with files that mysteriously slip away in the night?

+1 vote
asked May 1, 2019 in Studio One 4 by patriciaadams1 (320 points)
Starting to get a bit disappointed with S14. I completed a song that took a lot of work. I saved and made sure I saved and made sure I saved before I closed the program. 3 days later, yesterday, I opened it up. All the work I had done that finished the song 3 days before, which was a lot of tracks and a lot of hard work... was gone. So I looked in Recent Versions and picked the last done 3 days before. The tracks were back, thank you God, but a track that had been recorded weeks before in another area of the song was gone. Now this makes the second time this has happened to me and I don't understand why the hell it happens at all. Why do files go away? Now I'm scared to death to put any kind of work into it cause it may be gone next day. I have to redo the french horn track now and I loved that part though I don't remember what it actually did. I love S14 but I keep having issues I've never had with any other DAW. Why do I have to deal with having to go search down files that were saved and resaved to stay and be where and what they are. Sucks. I mean royally sucks.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 1, 2019 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Reach out to support through a ticket on the Knowledge Base. This happens to a lucky few users and it happens for different reasons. The vast majority of people don’t experience this and that’s what’s going to make asking for questions on all the “community” parts of the website frustrating.
asked May 1, 2019 in Studio One 4 by patriciaadams1 (320 points) to robert's answer