Questions & Answers

I don't see a image of my device on my universal control screen, I also cant see the mixer control, why is that?

0 votes
asked Oct 23, 2015 in FireStudio Series by robbiekirby (130 points)
My blue light is not on and I do not have option of switching my audio to presonus because it does not show in my audio choice,
related to an answer for: What is Universal Control?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)

Assistance from PreSonus or the community will not be possible unless you provide the necessary information in your question. 

Please edit your question and include:

  • Operating System (ie 10.11.1 or Win 7x64 SP1)
  • Universal Control Version (ie 1.7.2) 
  • Computer you are using
  • If it's a PC which 1394 card are you using. 