Questions & Answers

I can’t select the Main Mix layer on my SL III Console in stagebox mode with my SL III Rack

0 votes
asked May 2, 2019 in StudioLive Series III by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)

When the SL III rack is set to stagebox mode the main mix button cannot be selected. 

1 Answer

+4 votes
answered May 2, 2019 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
selected May 3, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer

The issue is that your Series III Console is set to Stagebox mode or Monitor Mix mode- and should be in “Standalone” mode.

Are you using a Series III Rack mixer with your Console?

If so, below are two methods of re-enabling the Main Mix layer.


Network method:

Use this method if you have both units on a wireless router via their respective control ports

  1. On the console, set the StudioLive 32R to stand-alone and apply.

  2. Connect to the 32R using UC Surface. Click the gear in the upper right corner.

  3. In the Network tab, set the StudioLive 32 to stand-alone and apply.

  4. On the console, you should now be able to press the main mix button.

  5. Still on the console, set the 32R to stagebox mode.

  6. Set your desired channels to network.

You should now be able to select mixes and go back to select the main mix.


USB method:

This will require a laptop with Universal Control installed, a USB cable and physical access to the 32R.

  1. On the console, set the StudioLive 32R to stand-alone and apply.

  2. Connect a laptop to the 32R via USB and open Universal Control. Click the gear in the upper right corner.

  3. In the Network tab, set the StudioLive 32 to stand-alone and apply.

  4. On the console, you should now be able to press the main mix button.

  5. Still on the console, set the 32R to stagebox mode.

  6. Set your desired channels to network.

You should now be able to select mixes and go back to select the main mix.
