Questions & Answers

Can I bypass Control link?

+1 vote
asked May 3, 2019 in Studio One 4 by Mats Nermark (480 points)
The Control link system doesn't register all parameters when I click on them.
For example, I'm trying to set up Komplete Kontrol for use from my Panorama keyboard.
When I click on the knob or button representation in Komplete Kontrol S1 doesn't register that and thus I can't assign a control knob or button to it.

Is there a way to completely bypass Control link so whatever is sent from the controller is sent directly to the plugin?
There are so many plugins where this would be helpful.


Mats N

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 31, 2019 by BiggerNoise (560 points)
Second the question. Control Link is wonderful, but most NI stuff runs in some sort of shell (be it Reaktor, Kontakt, or Komplete Kontrol).

If I could just pass the MIDI messages to Komplete Kontrol, they have tamed their wonkiness pretty well.
0 votes
answered Jun 1, 2019 by BiggerNoise (560 points)
There's a fairly straightforward workaround. Control Link only grabs hold of the the controls that you tell it to.

So, I just defined a bank that has the eight knobs configured for different CCs. I have a Keylab 61ii, but I would expect that the Nektar would be pretty similar.

So "Normal Bank" defines the first eight knobs as CC 80-87

Then "Komplete Knobs" defines the same knobs as CC 60-67

So, to switch control modes, you have to switch banks, but that's not too big a deal. It would be nicer if you could just turn Control Link off for Komplete Kontrol, but this isn't that far off from that.

Hope that helps