Questions & Answers

"Bypass Control Link" Option - Allow for MIDI CC's to be used - Please!

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asked Mar 23, 2024 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by erikhusler (4,540 points)
I love Studio One, happy I switched from Pro Tools over 10y ago.

But Control link is a mystery to me, and not in a good sense. The MIDI CC's my controllers emit can't be used except for the Mod Wheel. The CC's are effectively going into Studio One, but S1 filters them out. So, the MIDI CC's from my controllers work flawlessly when I play VI's in standalone mode, but not in Studio One. Also, sometimes you have to remap your Control Link maps, because S1 thinks you're using a different instrument.

Recently I bought a breath controller, but I still haven't found how to make it work properly in S1. Plus you have to choose which controller to use - When working with orchestral libraries you often use multiple controllers concurrently.

Please, implement the option/ preference to "Bypass Control Link" so power users with a personal setup can use the MIDI CC's our controllers output!