Questions & Answers

Trouble daisy-chaining FP10-upgraded Firepods

0 votes
asked May 20, 2019 in Legacy Interfaces by francislalonde (150 points)
I've recently acquired a second Firepod with the intention of daisy-chaining it to my first one. I've updated both unit's firmware using the Presonus WinXP tool, and they now appear as FP10s with differing serial numbers. I must note that the upgrade process twice ended with a "download error 0x18" after running for 2-3 minutes, but that seemed to be inconsequential.

Both units run fine individually, but only the first unit's LED will turn blue when the second unit is connected. I've tried "syncing" from both my WinXP laptop, a Dell D630 with a FW800 port and from my MacBook 2,1 running OS X 10.7.5 (FW400). I also tried Linux at some point... I've tried different power cycling orders. I've tried different FW plugs ordering. I've now run out of ideas and of FAQs to read, so here I am, seeking advice on what to try next. Part of the problem is that I'm not sure what to expect from daisy-chaining - will both units magically appear as single audio device with 20 channels? If not, how much extra software configuration is required to enable & merge both interfaces into a virtual one?

Thanks to anybody who might answer these questions. I'm OS-flexible and willing to go technical with old gear :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 1, 2019 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

It's been a while since this question was asked, 

If you look at the download page you will find documentation on daisy chaining these devices on Win XP and OS X Tiger.

Please consider reposting this question in the community forum under legacy devices, perhaps someone there can assist you. 
