Questions & Answers

Does the firepod (fp10) still work at all in Mac OS Catalina?

0 votes
asked May 9, 2020 in Legacy Interfaces by peternienaber (120 points)
edited May 9, 2020 by peternienaber
I’ve been seeing mixed messages. What do you all do with your outdated interfaces? Mine is a nice piece and still in good condition. Definitely don’t want to throw it out but I’m not sure what I can do. Thank you much!!

Catalina, FP10, iMac

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 9, 2022 by bryandennis3 (140 points)

I'm still having trouble getting mine to connect. Here is the trouble ticket I just sent to Presonus support: 

My iMac with Catalina 10.15.7 isn't connecting with my Firepod interface. I have used them together before, but they don't work now. I have downloaded the Catalina-compatible Universal Control and Firewire Driver, both v.3.6.0 and 3.6.4.. I used the uninstaller, restarted, and reinstalled the new drivers. Still doesn't connect. The Firepod does not show up on the "Sound" tab in System Preferences. I have tried different cables, adapters and plugs.

0 votes
answered Oct 28, 2023 by JaredCoffin (190 points)
My MacOS 10.15.7 MacBookPro Catalina works well with Firepod bought in 2005. It was just plug and use with the Firewire 800 into MacBook. Used with Cubase 12 and no issues. I wish that were the same with MacOS 14 Sonoma.