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Plugin Upsampling On Render

+22 votes
asked Jan 4, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by Funkybot (21,640 points)
It would be cool if S1 had a user definable option to upsample plugins on transform and render. This would be helpful when it comes to synthesizers and effects that produce aliasing (amp sims, distortions, compressors, EQ's, tape sims, etc.) and other unwanted effects as frequencies approach or exceed the nyquist frequency in order to reduce the amount of aliasing (i.e. improve sound quality). The idea is that your project might still be at 44.1khz, but on render, the plugins would function as though they were running in a 88.2khz project so you'd have less aliasing and fewer artifacts (like EQ curves crinkling near nyquist).


I envision a box, that would be added to the render windows asking the user if they want to upsample, and if checked, the appropriate upsampling and conversion back down to normal would occur. If the user didn't want to use this feature, then they would obviously just leave the box unchecked.

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 7, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Thanks for the suggestion.

If anyone else agrees, or disagrees, please vote on it.
+2 votes
answered Mar 13, 2016 by benreaves (11,480 points)
Oversampling on all rendering functions in S1 would be ideal. And since this obviously uses more CPU horsepower, an oversampling checkbox would be necessary for a good amount of users.
+1 vote
answered Feb 19, 2020 by nicocaramel (1,410 points)
We can imagine also an oversampling setting on each insert slot. For oversampling in real time and/or render like some vst done internaly. With that you can choose plugin whose really need it.
0 votes
answered Feb 9, 2021 by weskleyraupp (380 points)
Even Reaper has this function (which goes up to 192kHz) and Studio One doesn’t yet?
+1 vote
answered Jun 11, 2021 by benwinch (480 points)
I'm with NicoCaramel: oversampling on render would be a step forward but oversampling in real-time is really the ideal. After all, don't you wanna hear what you're mixing?

As to the comment about "even Reaper has this function", Reaper seems to have quite a few functions Studio One doesn't have. Another key one I just discovered (being new to Studio One) is -- and correct me if I'm wrong since I can hardly believe this -- it won't read 48KHz stems in a 96KHz song, or at least, it is strongly recommended you don't mix sample rates in this manner. Reaper does this absolutely no problem, meaning you can upsample your entire plugins chain on every track and listen in real time while mixing. "Even" UAD's Luna does the same.